Emotional Intelligence Workshops


Emotional lntelligence, A Fundamental Skill!

Connect & Thrive

EQ Awareness For High Performing


Discover Your Brain Profile To Communicate


EQ lnsights , What Great Managers Know


Emotional Intelligence, A Fundamental Skill!
Managing relationships can be quite challenging! Be it in the workplace, with friends, or even with loved ones at home, understanding how emotions impact our behavior and that of others is key to healthy connections. This workshop is designed for all individuals looking to enhance their Emotional lntelligence skills at work and in their daily lives.They will learn tos· Apply Emotional lntelligence (EQ) techniques to enhance communication skills
· Use the six principles of EQ to strengthen relationships with others
· lnterpret EQ scores and their implications
· Describe their EQ strengths and weaknesses using the Six Second Emotional lntelligence Test (SEl)
· Devise a Personal Development plan (PDP) aimed at developing EQ

Connect & Thrive

 EQ Awareness For High-performing Teams Teamwork is at the core of every successful enterprise. So how do we communicate better and achieve results more efficiently? How do we use EQ knowledge to bring out the best in ourselves and other team members? How do we build a team that is greater than the sum of its parts?This workshop answers all these questions and more while targeting challenges on both personal and group levels. Participants wills· Become more aware of their feelings regarding their personal and work lives· Understand how the emotional and cognitive parts of their brains work together by using the brain profilesfocus, decision, and drive.· Learn each other’s communication styles and discover which ones achieve the best results


Discover Your Brain Profile To Communicate Better
This self–awareness workshop is great for anyone willing to work on themselves and enhance their strengths!
Designed as a group workshop (for friends or families) or as a private session, it helps participants understand their feelings in di”erent areas such as career success, work ethic, relationships, and quality of life.
Using the brain profile, they will learn to understand how the emotional and cognitive parts of their brain are working together on three di”erent levelss focus, decision, and drive.


EQ Insights , What Great Managers Know
Managing people is not an easy task. This workshop, based on the latest neuroscience studies, will help leaders understand what really motivates individuals, how to deal with problem employees, and how to make their team efficient and guide them to success, by teaching them tos
· ldentify a current workplace challenge and map specific actions to successfully solve it.
· Recognize their personal Brain Styles and learn how this impacts their focus, decision–making and drive.
· Gain insight into the Brain Profiles of others to improve interactions.
· ldentify their Brain Talents and use them to improve leadership skills